Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Why should you adopt Isiksha for School Management?

Isiksha is one of the leading ERP systems which is developed by the Milkyway Multidimensional Services, Noida. It is developed on modern technology and Techniques with the help of the expertise in the field who always makes an effort to provide you the best system. It can be implemented in small as well as large schools to perform the different activities of school online with the help of the internet. This system holds multiple numbers of business processes and also enables the flow of data in the organization. It can maintain a large number of data with a specific task.

It works as a Database Management System which keeps the record of Teacher, Student and working for staff in the organization efficiently and effectively without pen and paper. Today, Due to its beneficial effects in the organization. It is adopted by a large number of educational institutions because it helps in maintaining inventory control, accounting, and human resources.
It has the following features:
  • It Optimizes the process of work
  • It has Higher accuracy
  • It has an ability to share information in the organization. 
  • It removes the data duplicity and also eliminates unnecessary operation.
Today, This system is widely accepted due to its various applications which makes an impact on the overall growth. With the Isiksha run your school most trustfully and securely. Our innovative team is always working on the updated Technology to gives you the ERP system as per your requirement by which you can utilize your time and money in an efficient manner.
School ERP Software plays a vital role in school development because the number of Schools increases day-by-day. So, it becomes a catchphrase to get the attention of students and guardians towards these schools. It also provides a large number of benefits which creates a wide impact on the guardian. Therefore, you should adopt our ERP Software to enhance the result at your workplace. It has different features that make an astonishing effect on the guardian. They can check regular updates of the ward about performance and also can analyze the current situation with the help of the mobile app. Biometric has connected to analyze the attendance of the Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff. School Transport System is also connected to track your Transport System due to which no one can't take advantage of your Vehicle. Teachers and Students can get easy access to their Attendance and make their strategies and plans according to it due to which short attendance problem does not arise in their path.

on adopting Isiksha, An School ERP System, which works as a School Management ERP Software and makes your journey smooth and uninterrupted and automate all the processes being performed in the Schools. It helps in reducing all the complexity of work. It helps to maintain regular operations of schools like financial accounting and Payroll Management. Isiksha is not only useful for the School and Teachers but also provide benefit to the School Librarian, Accountant and Administrators to perform their task with high accuracy and precision without any ambiguity. It also manages the overall life cycle of a student in school from admission to the declaration of result. It also worth in Staff Management and Resource Management. With it, Parents can easily submit the fees of the ward and also get access to the Teacher by Isiksha mobile App anytime and anywhere. It connects the Student, Teacher, and Parents all the time by sending emails and messages. And also work as an efficient tool for the online E-Learning Platform for the teachers and Students. The teacher can upload assignments and lecture notes and Students can log in it by their credential ID.  

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