ISiksha is the ERP Software in India that easily handles the
number of operations performed in the School automatically and digitally
without any hassle. It will help you to manage the overall life cycle of a
student from their admission to attire without any complexity and keep it with
safety and security for the future purpose. It is widely in use today due to
its numerous features, and can easily handle all the functions of the school.
It is an efficient tool to manage the different activities being performed in
the school with high precision or accuracy. It is used by the various
department for the different-different purposes in the School as per their
needs to operate them successfully. This ERP software used in the school for
managing the different function like :
In Library
It helps the Librarian to manage and update the library
account of the student for the issuing and reissuing of books.
In Account
Account department can manage the payroll of teaching,
nonteaching staff and also can manage the fee of the student effectively and
efficiently without any ambiguity in the calculation.
In Teaching
Teaching staff can use this software to provide the notes or
lectures to the student and maintaining the result of the student. Through it,
they can also interact with their parents.
In Management & Administration
They can manage their overall operations in a few simple
steps and can inform the staff or students for their official work and they can
also know the feedback of them.
In Biometric
It is also connected with the biometric to know about the
attendance of teaching and non-teaching staff or student due to which it
becomes easier to analyze and maintaining their working report.
In Tracking bus route
It provides the facility to track the bus route so you can
know about their traveling places and secure it from any misuse.
In interacting with Parents
By downloading the ISiksha app in the Smartphone parents can
interact with the respective department of the student to know about their
performance. They can get notification about the fee to pay on time without any
additional charge.
ISiksha is the best School Management Software in India due
to a large number of satisfied customers. Our experts and the innovative team
always work in the field to providing you the best solution to manage all the
functions of school through the ERP Software. They always work to provide you
the software based upon the latest technology. We also stay connected with you
through 24*7 consulting services to rectify your issues. our team always
updates you with the latest version to run all the operations successfully
without any error. This software has the tendency to give the quality result
for each operation performed in the school. It gives a new dimension in the
education system and also increases the attraction of the students and parents
towards you.
As we know today's generation is the gadget's
generation. It is highly attracted to the electronic gadget from tip-to-toe to
perform all the activity. Therefore it prioritizes to increase the interest of
the student towards the study. ISiksha provides you an online School ERPSoftware to learn the lessons digitally by learning through the lectures or
notes uploaded by the Teacher at any time or anywhere. Due to this Software,
all the operations become easier to manage due to the presence of specialized
features for special tasks. This software connects with all the departmental
wise operations to maintain their activity. It also includes the large data of
students or teachers to maintain their routine activity. The result can also
prepare through it, by reducing the paper load and calculation complexity in a
fully automated manner by keeping the record for the long term.